Aidan MacKenna · (281)738-3095 · Houston Escort
Aidan MacKenna - Demimonde/Paramour/Hedonist
I have been defined by men of valor as:
Demimonde – French n.
1. A term specifically used during the last half of the 19th century for a class of women who had lost their standing in respectable society because of indiscreet behavior or sexual promiscuity.
Paramour - Middle English n.
from par amour for the sake of love
1. A term used in the 14th century to describe an illicit lover
Hedonist – Greek n.
1. A person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, especially to pleasures of the senses. One whose behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and avoidance of pain.
Is this what you truly desire? An intelligent woman to stimulate your brain with such intensity you loose all inhibitions?
Schedule a stimulating conference with me.