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Sandra · (713)547-0222 · Houston Escort

Updated: February 10, 2011

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Hey Ladies! Hey Fellows! Thanks for taking the time to look at my pictures.

Hey Ladies! Hey Fellows! Thanks for taking the time to look at my pictures. As you can see I'm a picture perfect girl. I'm delicate and soft. I smell good and I got long shiny hair. I'm equal opportunity and love both men and women. I don't discriminate against anyone and would love to meet with you. I love out of towners who are looking for a special lady to spend time with. I also love locals. If fact I'm looking to meet new people. I am available days and evenings and will make time for very late callers.I have been Dancing and Escorting for 5 Years. I have a lot of guys that keep coming back so I must be doing something right.I won't give you my measurements as my pictures speak for themselves.So if you are bored and tired and want a little pick me up call me. . .I am also very good at Massage.

Phone Number: 

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